Dana Beezley-Smith Ph D

Home Of



Third-Party Free  Mental Health Services

     Insurance Companies

Problems addressed

Depression & Bipolar Conditions

• Anxiety Issues

• Child & Teen Behavior Problems

• Family Conflict

• Attention Deficit Issues

• Abuse & Trauma Recovery

• Adjustment Issues

• Grieving & Forgiveness

• Healing from Relationship Difficulties

• Chronic Health & Pain Conditions

• Sleep Difficulties

• Parenting Concerns

All age groups, from preschoolers to older adults, are welcome! That said, I have a special fondness for young adults and teens who face unique pressures and in many ways have been neglected, misled, derided, and misunderstood.

Psychotherapy Session, 55-58 Min…  $100

Psychotherapy Session, 40-45 Min… $85

Psychotherapy Session, 30 Min… $58

Initial Diagnostic Session… $145

Psychological Testing or Consultation, 55-58 Min… $100

Relaxation and Mindfulness Training, 45 Min… $85

Sleep Psychology Consultation, 40-45 Min… $85

Telephone Consultations, 30 Min… $53



About Me

Greetings! I am a clinical psychologist working in private practice with children, teens, adults, and families.

My specialization is in clinical child psychology, which allows me to serve not only children and teens, but also adults, whose life complications are often strongly influenced by experiences in childhood.

Because of my concern for patient privacy I’ve terminated all contracts with health insurance companies. Payment is made at the time of service, and my receipt allows you to receive direct reimbursement from your insurance company.

Because I’ve also formally opted out of Medicare, I’m legally able to enter into private self-pay contracts with Medicare subscribers.

I am considered “out-of-network” for all health insurance companies. Please check with your insurer to learn about your out-of-network benefits.

⭐️I am PSYPACT-credentialed to provide telepsychology sessions with those outside Ohio. Check here for a current map of PSYPACT  states.⭐️


Because that’s the only way for Americans to receive the standard of mental health care we once enjoyed — private and individualized sessions with a seasoned, independent, and nonpartisan therapist, using an agreed-upon treatment plan free of outsider fingerprints.

In 2010 efforts to reduce costs, the Federal government* aimed to drastically curb the use of personal psychotherapy, especially as delivered by small practices. Mental health care was instead to be distributed in an “inch-deep, mile-wide” fashion to Americans at hospitals and other large medical systems, with advice and handouts about sleep, exercise, nutrition, and other care habits, to address physical health. 

“It’s not going to be our world,” psychologist Robert Woody predicted in 2014.  “It’s going to be a medical world.”

The idea was to shift the provider’s focus from meeting the mental health needs of the individual to the needs of the community he/she lived in, a concept called “population management.” 

Omnia Pro Aegroto!


Clinical Psychologist

PHONE  |  330 899 9944


3570 Executive Dr St 208 

Green OH 44685-8712

Forms & Notices

Private therapists like me were advised to shutter our doors and become hospital employees. 

If you ask your insurance company for a therapy referral, you’ll now be directed to a large entity using electronic health records, mid-level professionals, and briefer, less frequent sessions. Insurance companies now dictate your session experience, as their corporate bureaucrats assume the role of the doctor.

You’ll also likely wait weeks for your first appointment.

I was shocked to discover in 2017 how many third parties were researching and sharing your mental health records across the country. I opted not to cooperate with the national data-sharing process and limits to patients’ freedom of choice that “in-network” insurance membership now requires.

* Affordable Care Act Less Friendly to Psychologists Than Expected. National Psychologist, May/June 2019

    ACA and Mental Health Care. US Health

Policy Gateway

What is Population Management? NYS Psychological Association, 2014  


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PhD, Clinical Psychology

APA-accredited Kent State University

Licensed Ohio Psychologist


Floyd Spills the Beans


Available on Amazon 

& Apple Books

 (Contact me directly for free PDF)

Other Affiliations:  

            Akron Area Professional


               Coalition for Technology in

                      Behavioral Science  

        ● Co-editor,  U.S. Health 

                      Policy Gateway

             ACA/Health  Reform 

                      Columnist,  2013-2019 ,

                      The National Psychologist,